Is It Safe To Eat Eel During Pregnancy?

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Eels are a type of fish that can be eaten as seafood. Many women who consume it regularly may have cravings for eel during pregnancy. The fish is high in nutrition as it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and several minerals, including magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, sodium, and zinc. Furthermore, it is also a good source of fat, carbohydrates, fiber, and proteins, while also containing cholesterol (1). However, exercise caution while preparing it as eels must be cooked properly because eating them raw or undercooked can be dangerous.

Read on as in this post we acquaint you with the safety and various health benefits of eating eel while pregnant.

In This Article

What Is Eel?

Eel is a long serpentine fish, which is extremely slippery and quite difficult to catch. The fish is quite popular in Indonesia and is a delicacy exported worldwide. Eel is in great demand in Japan as it offers many health benefits. Eel is rich in nutrients so adding it to your pregnancy diet can promote both maternal health and fetal development, as it is abundant in essential nutrients crucial for the growth of the developing baby in the womb.

Health Benefits Of Eating Eel During Pregnancy

Some ways in which eating eel while pregnant can work wonders for your health:

1. Boosts stamina

Eating eel during pregnancy boosts stamina

Image: Shutterstock

Eels possess a high amount of calories, as high as 1,350 calories per pound and 303 kcal per 100 grams of meat. Adding fish to your pregnancy diet can fulfill your increased energy requirement and help fight fatigue.

2. Storehouse of proteins

Eel is an excellent source of proteins. Protein content in eel is as high as 18.4 g per 100 grams of meat. According to a study done by researchers at Diponegoro University, wild eels contain less protein (16.20%) than cultured eels (17.50%). Nevertheless, both varieties of eel are rich in protein content, and adequate protein intake during pregnancy is crucial for facilitating the proper growth and development of the fetus.

3. Enhances muscle tone

Eels contain arginine, an amino acid that triggers the resting human growth hormone (HGH). Eating the fish helps improve your muscle tone and minimizes the accumulation of fats in your body during pregnancy. So you can control your weight gain during these nine months if you include the fish in your meal plans. Arginine reduces the risk of breast cancer since it inhibits the growth of malignant cells. So, adding it to your diet is a must.

4. Rich source of vitamins

Eating eel during pregnancy gives enough vitamins

Image: Shutterstock

Eel is a rich source of Vitamin A and Vitamin B12 (2). Including it in your prenatal diet can increase the antioxidants in your body that help fight macular degenerationiXA degenerative eye disease resulting in blurred or loss of vision due to damage to the central part of the retina called the macula , prevent oxidative stress and eliminate free radicals. It can protect your little one from the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and several birth defects including neural tube defectsiXCongenital disabilities of the brain, spine, or spinal cord that usually happen during early pregnancy like spina bifidaiXA congenital disorder where the spinal cord doesn't develop fully, leading to physical and neurological complications , anencephalyiXA congenital disability identified by incomplete development of the brain and skull , encephaloceleiXA rare neural defect where the bones of the skull do not fuse properly, causing a portion of the brain to protrude from the gap (3).

5. Makes bones strong and healthy

Eating nutritious foods like eels is important for both infant health and child development. Eels also contain the phosphorus mineral, so consuming eel is beneficial during pregnancy to ensure the mother has strong and healthy bones, and her unborn baby enjoys good skeletal development.

protip_icon Research finds
A small-scale study showed increased hemoglobin levels in pregnant women who consumed eel cookies during pregnancy (5).

Can Pregnant Women Eat Eel?

Make sure to fully cook the eel to at least 145°F

Image: Shutterstock

Yes, it is safe to consume eel while expecting, but in moderate quantities. As eating anything in excess, during this delicate phase, can spell danger for both you and your baby. There is limited scientific evidence on the effects of consuming eel during pregnancy. Studies do not suggest a link between consuming eel during pregnancy and the occurrence of stillbirths, miscarriages, or preterm labor. Also, while incorporating it in your recipes, make sure you fully cook the eel to at least 145°F before consuming it during pregnancy. Eating fully cooked fish aids in minimizing the risk of stomach infection and food poisoning (4). You should look out for symptoms like nausea and vomiting after consuming eel to outline instances of food poisoning. It is important to seek expert opinion or advice from your doctor before adding Eel to your pregnancy diet.

protip_icon Quick tip
If you do not have a thermometer, cook the fish till it turns milky white (opaque) and flakes with a fork (7).

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is eel high in mercury?

According to the Food and Drug Administration’s recommendations or guidelines, eel is low in mercury, and a pregnant woman can safely eat around two servings of six-ounce each a week (5).

2. Is grilled eel safe during pregnancy?

Yes, grilling eel until it reaches an internal temperature of 145°F makes it safe to eat during pregnancy (6).

3. Is the Japanese eel healthy during pregnancy?

Japanese freshwater eel, also known as Unagi, is low in mercury and considered safe during pregnancy in moderate amounts (5).

4. Can I eat eel sushi while pregnant?

Consuming sushi made with raw fish, such as an eel, is generally considered unsafe for pregnant women. However, you can consume sushi, such as Anago and Hamo, which are made with cooked eel (5). One should always take cautionary measures before consuming raw fish while pregnant.

The consumption of eel during pregnancy has a myriad of health benefits. It works well in improving stamina and enhancing muscle tone. Eel is also a great source of protein and vitamins. It also makes the bones stronger, which is a requirement for pregnant women and babies. Moreover, its consumption in moderate quantities is considered safe and healthy during pregnancy. Therefore, you can include it in your diet to seek its benefits while taking necessary precautions. Share your concerns with your doctor on the next visit to get a fair share of ideas about eels during pregnancy. Lastly, ensure that you buy it from a reliable source and clean it thoroughly before cooking to minimize the risks.

Infographic: Advantages Of Consuming Eel During Breastfeeding

Eel is calorically dense and a great source of protein for the nursing mother. The fish also provides a host of minerals for the baby’s growth. When taken in moderate amounts, it offers numerous benefits. Read this infographic to discover the benefits of this nutritious fish for lactating women.

health benefits of eel for nursing moms (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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